
Lesson43 -- Fatherly Love

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第四十三課 父親的愛

◎Dialogue Son: Dad, do you think I’ll be able to do well on my back-to-school review test? Father: You have done well all of the years before. Why are you worried now? Son: I just don’t feel as smart as my classmates. Father: That’s nonsense. You just need to be more confident. Son: I guess so. Father: Listen, Son. Everyone is talented in their own way. No one can be perfect at everything. Just work hard and do your best. No matter what, I’ll always be proud of you. ◎ 實用會話 兒子:爸,你覺得我返校複習考能考好嗎? 父親:你之前的每一年都考得不錯啊!你現在擔心什麼? 兒子:只是覺得我沒有同學聰明。 父親:別胡說,你只是需要更有自信而已。 兒子;我想是吧! 父親:兒子,聽好,每個人都有特有的天賦,沒有人能事事完美,只要盡自己的一切努力就好。不管如何,我永遠都以你為榮! (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:1141)